Streamlining document navigation for travel nurses

Design System
Feature design
Aya healthcare, a medical staffing providers in the US
Product design,
UX research
2 weeks
1 x Design mentor
1 x UX researcher,
PMs, Devs


After accepting a new offer, travel nurses need to complete over 20 required documents. However, they often find themselves repetitively navigating back and forth to access the next requirement. Recognizing the need for a better user experience, the team aimed to strike a balance between MVP functionality and UX improvements. Through extensive discussions with developers and conducting 15 A/B tests and surveys, I delivered a design solution that reduced task completion time by 21% and provided users with a "Very Satisfied" experience.
Final design for desktop and mobile

Business goals

• Enhance customer satisfaction

User goals

• Efficiently interact with all required documents

Project goals

• Identify strategies to reduce user fragmentation
• A balance between dev effort & UX improvements


• A 21% reduction in task completion time
• “Very Satisfied” experience based on Likert scale survey
Target users

Travel nurses with at least one contract

When travel nurses accept a contract, they must submit specific documents to the facilities. As travel nurses, they can work at different facilities as long as they meet the qualifications and submit the required documents. Based on research insight, one contract can require over 20 documents, and this increases significantly with multiple contracts. Travel nurses wanted to complete all the docs seamlessly and efficiently.
Users’ pain points

Travel nurses lack an efficient way to complete the required docs repetitively

Collaborating with UX researchers, we conducted 8 user interviews with travel nurses and identified two main causes:

❶ The compliance page typically includes over 20 documents, resulting in a fragmented user experience due to frequent back-and-forth navigation.
❷ Users can upload, review, and sign documents on the compliance page, but these actions are all grouped under the vague instruction "view details," causing confusion about what to expect upon clicking.

A side panel that reduces task completion time by 21% and provides a 'Very Satisfied' experience

Through A/B testings with 15 participants, we landed on this new design. Furthermore, the new compliance page achieved the highest rating ("Very Satisfied") in the 15 satisfaction surveys.

❶ A clear all-in-one layout that eliminates the need for constant back-and-forth interactions.
❷ Rather than leaving users uncertain about the intended interaction, it ensures they instantly grasp what to expect from each requirement.
Discovering the story behind
01 Brainstorm
I brainstormed 3 concepts with 4 new features and understood their feasibility through discussion with the engineering team.
Concept 1
Back-and-forth buttons: alongside the progress bar, it assists users in quickly navigating through document requirements and visualizing their progress.
Concept 2
Slide-Out: it enables users to conveniently access details while keeping an eye on the background progress.
Concept 3
Informative indicators: it provides users with information about what to expect after clicking on it.
Side panel: it allows users to access document details without leaving the list, thus reducing context switching and enhancing efficiency.
Given the business goal of minimizing dev efforts, we prioritized MVP features  
To gain a clearer understanding of the engineering effort, I mapped these concepts using a 2x2 matrix. Due to the more extensive engineering requirements, the design team and devs decided to rule out the responsive side panel and progress bar with back-and-forth buttons. Finally, we opted for the side panel and slide-out design, which provided a more streamlined solution to address the same user pain points with lighter engineering demands.
02 Validate
I collaborated with UX researchers to conduct two unmoderated A/B tests with 15 participants. In both tests, we utilized the legacy design as the control group. Following the A/B tests, we selected the side panel due to its shorter task completion time and users' feedback.
I conducted A/B tests and surveys to make data-driven design decisions
Reduce in task completion
time for slide-out
Reduce in task completion
time for side panel
After the A/B test, I followed up with survey question for the same group of users to understand their satisfaction regarding each design. The side panel achieved the highest rating ("Very Satisfied") on a 5-point Likert scale survey, which ranged from very unsatisfied to very satisfied.  
03 iterate
After landing on the side panel, I worked with my design mentor to incorporate this pattern into the design library and continuously iterate the current design for the document archive. 
With iterations, I resolved the gulf of execution
The document archive supports 3 different interactions: submitting documents, signing documents in DocuSign, and completing tasks based on instructions. During the analysis of recorded video footage from the A/B tests, I noticed that participants experienced confusion when trying to complete tasks based on instructions.
This is the current flow when users trying to complete tasks based on given instructions.
This confusion stemmed from a lack of interaction and feedback within the interface, leading to user frustration. After reading the instructions, users were directed to another software platform to complete the subsequent steps. As a result, they reached the end of the task flow without realizing it, as the interface provided no further interactions or feedback. In this scenario, users wanted to have control over the process and real-time status updates, which the product did not support.
I proposed adding an "mark as complete" button in this interaction to better align with users' expectation.

What I learned...

① Learning how to balance users' goals and business goals through design decisions.
② Effective communication is the key -- make sure always to keep the product owner & other stakeholders informed of progress and next steps.